Education Development

Types Of Lesson Plans You Should Avoid On The Day Of Your Classroom Observation

Education & Development Blog

If you are a teacher who is expecting a classroom observation sometime in the near future, then you might be unsure of what type of lesson plan you should plan for. Of course, all sorts of lesson plans can work, but these are a few that you might want to avoid: "Movie Day" Movie days can be good for both teachers and students. If you show the right movie, it can be a good way to get your students to pay attention, and it can help them learn about what they are studying.

29 August 2017

Four Ways Hosting A Foreign Exchange Student Will Benefit Your Family

Education & Development Blog

Hosting a foreign exchange student is often seen as something you do to benefit that student, but in fact, this experience can be a great one for your family, too. If you've been presented with an opportunity to have an exchange student stay in your home, whether for a week or for an entire year, here are some benefits you can look forward to if you say "yes": Learning a foreign language.

24 August 2017

2 Important Things to Remember as a Female Aviation Student

Education & Development Blog

Whether it is your deep love of flying or your interest in all things relative to flight and flying equipment that draws you to it, aviation school can definitely help you achieve new career goals and get where you want to be. Even though there is just as much room in the flight industry for females as there are for men, stepping into aviation school for the first time should definitely come along with a few pointers for you as a female.

23 August 2017